Book: Falling Apart In One Piece

The easiest way for me to consume books is to listen to them while I’m driving my car. That’s how I absorbed the content of Stacy Morrison’s Falling Apart In One Piece: One Optimist’s Journey Through The Hell of Divorce. It made my daily commute a lot more enjoyable. And…at times… awful.

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Saturday’s Song: Let That Pony Run

I have plans to do something touristy today, and I considered sightseeing on horseback… until I saw the price tag. I decided to save a few (and by “few”, I mean “a lot of”) bucks and travel on foot instead. The reason I’m telling you this is that the brief consideration, combined with the fact that it’s Saturday, reminded me of this particular song.

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Magical Letters

A few weeks ago, I saw this in my Facebook news feed: The following week, I saw this one: Isn’t it amazing?  The way we weave words together to validate or denigrate based on what side of the door we’re on…

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Saturday’s Song: Ring Of Fire

Today’s song was the suggestion of my favorite stepmom supporter, Heather Hetchler, of Cafe Smom. During the years I spent as the partner of a divorced dad, Heather was both an inspiration and a lifeline. If you’re a stepmom or even a biomom, Heather offers heartfelt encouragement and perspective. She believes stepmoms are the heart of a blended family and she lives her role to the fullest. I’m happy to serve up one of her favorites today… here’s Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire.

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