Saturday’s Song: Here I Go Again

Twice over the past week, Whitesnake’s Here I Go Again has come on the radio in my car. Hearing it while driving reminds me of the days when I used to listen to the song on cassette while cruising in my Camaro. Now that I’ve said that, I feel the need to disclose that I’m not quite as old as that statement might lead one to believe 😉

Anyway… the fact that I heard the twenty-five-year-old (whoa, really??) song twice in the past seven days made me think it would be a good one to share here today…

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Celebrating Independence

On this Independence Day, in addition to honoring the holiday itself, I’m all about celebrating the many facets of my personal independence (financial, social, professional, emotional, etc)…

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Saturday’s Song: Why You Gotta Be So Mean?

A few days ago, I wrote about the importance of having compassion for your enemies. Remember, when someone acts in a way that brings you misery, s/he is doing so for his/her own reasons which have very little to do with you.

Today’s song further addresses this topic and brings to light another important message: each of us is responsible for our own behavior. We have a choice of how to respond and how to regard the bullies in our lives. We allow ourselves to go down that path, or we can stop the cycle and refocus. We have the choice to invest our energy in ourselves, to chase our dreams and overcome those who push us around.

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Compassionate Acronyms

Quick, think of the person you dislike the most in the world. Do you have a name in mind? Has this person hurt you? Hurt your family? Said awful things to/about you? Did this person lie to you? Stab you in the back? Steal from you? All of the above?

How do you feel when you think about this person? What thoughts or emotions get stuck on “repeat” when you hear that name? Are you livid? Seething? Broken? Are you wondering, How could you? Or, Why would you? Do you feel powerful? Powerless? Do you feel hateful?

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