Oral Surgery Sucks (and so does heartbreak) For several years I’ve been monitoring some gum recession in my mouth (a known side effect of orthodontia). Late last year, the issue worsened to the point where I was willing to consult a periodontist. Earlier this month, I had gum graft surgery. I was nervous going in. The novocaine shots were awful. The procedure itself was nerve-wracking. When it was done, I was left with a wound on the top of my mouth and a bunch of new tissue packed and stitched around my lower front teeth. What followed was not fun. I […]
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Love is an Amusement Park
In my last post, I ranted about how you shouldn’t give away your personal power by giving up on love. I’d like to expand on that with the following analogy… Love (and marriage) is like an Amusement Park. Imagine a child receiving the news that s/he will be spending the day at an amusement park. The child is delighted, right? Because amusement parks are exciting! Love is exciting. Picture the child arriving at the gate and eagerly paying the entrance fee. Love also requires you give something in order to enjoy the experience. Loose in the park, the child wonders, […]
Continue readingYour Ex Does Not Deserve Your Anger
Wounded women (and other fans of Carrie Underwood), sing it with me: “I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four wheel drive… Carved my name into his leather seeeeats I took a Louisville Slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats…” Carrie’s song Before He Cheats hit the charts the year I got divorced. It brings to mind not only my ex-husband, but a couple ex-boyfriends as well. Of course I’ve fantasized about taking the kind of revenge described in the song. And according […]
Continue readingHealing Happens Within
Healing is something that happens on the inside. At least at first. A few weeks ago, I cut my finger while slicing a sweet potato. Immediately, I wrapped the digit with gauze and applied pressure until the bleeding stopped. Stopping the blood flow was the first step in my body getting back to normal. And it happened under the surface, inside. I then spent the next few days with a Band Aid wrapped around my finger. The Band Aid was a boundary that protected the wound while my miraculous body repaired and regenerated tissue. All that healing happened on the […]
Continue readingTrust Karma
After the end of a relationship, there often lurks a nagging question about when The Ex will get what’s coming to him/her. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? That’s right, Karma. When we think about karma, we tend to make assumptions. We hold expectations about what it means, and what it will look like. Overall we ask, “When will justice be served?” Sometimes, it’s a long wait. At least, as far as we can tell from where we stand. And I know it can be frustrating. But, I think the general idea of Karma works. That’s to say, “what […]
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