Resource: The Divorce School

On April 1, 2016 The Divorce School opened for its first semester. This fabulous resource is a collaborative effort between Divorce Magazine and and brings a wealth of information to those navigating the divorce process. I’m honored to be a member of The Divorce School Faculty, and my segment focuses on Overcoming The Shame of Divorce. But shame is only one of many topics covered in the program, students of the school can choose to learn from experts on the topics of Fraud, Infidelity, High Conflict Separations, Legal Issues, Alienation, Blended Families and more. The Divorce School is free […]

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Marriage is Work

“Marriage is work.” We hear the words all the time (as if to suggest those who divorce aren’t working hard enough). As a result of the comparison, I often liken marriage to a job:  first you have to prove yourself worthy, then you get hired and everyone rejoices because a vacancy has been filled.  There is hope and optimism that the team will move forward and accomplish great things together. You have to show up every day, even when you don’t exactly feel like it. You have to use the skills you have as well as learn new ones as […]

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The First Day of Spring

On Sunday I saw massive lines outside Rita’s Italian Ice. The throngs of people waiting in 50-degree weather in Central PA was indicative of a long-awaited annual tradition:  free icy deliciousness in celebration of The First Day of Spring. This holiday of sorts represents more than flavored ice. The first day of Spring is also known as the Equinox, referring to the equal amount of day and night experienced across the planet twice a year. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, our days have been getting longer since December, and now that we’ve passed the Equinox, we’ll enjoy […]

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Book: Daughters of Divorce

As a child of divorced parents, the book, Daughters of Divorce, Overcome the Legacy of Your Parents’ Breakup and Enjoy a Happy, Long-Lasting Relationship, was intriguing to me. So when Terry Gaspard sent me a copy, I was excited to dive in. Daughters of Divorce is an easy-to-follow resource for women navigating relationships after a trying childhood. The beginning features a personal introduction and overview of what’s to come, and each chapter focuses on a step in the process of repairing old damages and enjoying positive romantic relationships. Throughout the book, the authors cite studies from known researchers including Judith Wallerstein, […]

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Dear Client, I Trust You

I’m often asked, “If a couple decides to stay married, would you talk them out of it?” And, “What if people come to you for help with their divorce, and you realize it’s better for them to stay married?” And, “Why don’t you work to save marriages?” Well…. Dear Client, I know there are many marriage counselors out there. You likely tried that route. I know how hard it is to accept the end of a relationship. It was probably a painful conclusion. I know people will criticize you for taking the easy way out, for being selfish and not […]

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