Divorce on TV

Divorce on TV: My Favorite Shows

The subject of Divorce is becoming more prominent in our culture, and that makes me very happy. If you’re a regular reader, you know that I want this issue to be an accepted Life Event. In order to better support those in the process, we (the collective “we”) need to change our minds, our hearts and our words. Until recently, this has been a difficult task because the topic has been veiled by shame. Not anymore. These days, we’re seeing more and more Divorce on TV. Following is a quick summary of some of my favorite TV shows that highlight […]

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Collaborative Divorce Coach

Divorce Coach vs. Collaborative Law Coach

Earlier this month, I attended training for professionals looking to participate in the Collaborative Divorce Process. Collaborative teams typically consist of two attorneys (one to represent each party), a financial professional (neutral) and a coach (neutral). Since I’m a coach and an overall divorce enthusiast, I jumped at the opportunity to deepen my knowledge about this topic. I went, even though I’m not eligible to participate on a collaborative team. I’m not eligible, you see, because there’s a difference between a Divorce Coach (me) and a Coach in the collaborative process.  Let’s investigate… First, an analogy to illustrate the difference […]

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Healthy Divorce Is On The Horizon

Yesterday I attended the Make Divorce Healthier Symposium in Blue Bell, PA. And it was awesome. I’m still feeling a little… what’s word? high?… from the experience, which was more like an immersion. Between 7:30 and 4:30pm, I was surrounded by more than 130 other professionals who were equally dedicated to healthy divorce. For the first time ever, I told someone “I love divorce,” and was met with the response, “Me too!” Wow. And, yay! Throughout the day, I was inspired and encouraged. I listened to a presentation from Dr. William Doherty in which he discussed divorce ambivalence and the value of discernment counseling for […]

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Make Divorce Healthier

Making Divorce Healthier

Change is coming. Can you feel it? It’s been happening for a few years, now. While I’ve been out there typing my message and talking to anyone who will listen, others have also been hard at work. We now have more coaches. We have more mediators. Sometimes mediation is required before a couple can see a judge. Collaborative Divorce is a thing- an option gaining in popularity (in some areas more than others). More parents see the value in “conscious uncoupling.” And…slowly but surely, we’re seeing events devoted to the topic of divorce and separation. The one I’m most excited […]

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Trees preparing to let go

Before Letting Go, Do This

This afternoon, I took a drive. It was a gorgeous day featuring unseasonably warm temperatures, so I opened the sun roof, cranked up some Ani DiFranco tunes and hit the back roads. As I drove, a few leaves floated into my car, and I thought about the beauty of autumn and the lessons the trees teach us about letting go. And I realized, for as long as I’ve appreciated nature’s release of that-which-no-longer serves, there’s an element of the process that I overlooked. A rather important element: Before the trees release their leaves, they stop feeding them. It’s a simple fact that’s […]

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