The Storm of Divorce

Today is a stormy day. All those smart weatherpeople use fancy words to describe what’s happening, but the gist of it is this: “This is a dark time. Things are gonna get ugly. Stuff is gonna get broken.”

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Divorce and the Talking Dog

The December before my parents got divorced, they adopted a puppy.  Dekker was my Christmas present, and I couldn’t have been happier.  I wanted him to sleep in bed with me, but he was too small to go up the stairs.  My parents didn’t want him on the furniture, so I slept on the living room floor to be with him overnight. As his puppiness progressed, he went from being a tiny and quiet ball of fur to an active and destructive young lad.  In the Spring, he dug and chewed the linoleum floor in the kitchen. “We might not […]

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Gina’s Diary: Dad’s Moving Out

When people ask, I tell them that “The D-Word” is not my personal story. And, that’s true. However, there are elements of it that were taken from my experiences throughout my parents’ divorce. Like Gina, I was also told of my father’s departure while on my way to what was supposed to be a fun summer vacation.

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Book: In Defense of Divorce

I recently had the pleasure of reading Ennis Pepper’s In Defense of Divorce: Why a Marriage Should Never Be Saved at the Expense of a Life. What I discovered was a series of thoughtful arguments to challenge the traditional Christian doctrine that says “divorce is forbidden.”

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Love Who You Want (Unless It’s The Ex?)

My Facebook Feed turned red this week, and for good reason. I was happy to see so many of my friends show support for marriage equality by changing their avatars to various renditions of the HRC logo. Among the textual blurbs: “love is never wrong”,” anger leads to hate, hate leads to The Dark Side” and my personal favorite, “dogs don’t discriminate, neither should humans.” These are all wonderful messages, and it fills me with joy to see so much support of equal rights for all who want to get married (and, if necessary, divorced).

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