Child Support…?

I think I was about fifteen when I brought up the subject…

“You shouldn’t be spending it that way,” I told my mother. “The money you get from Dad is child support. It’s for us. You should put it in a special account and use it to pay for things we need. Things like clothes and school events and Sister’s daycare… anything left over should be saved for college.”

“You’re right,” Mom said. “It is child support. And part of supporting you is putting a roof over your head and food on the table and gas in my car so I can take you where you need to go.”

In short, what she said was, “Your father gives me money to spend as I see fit. Butt out.”

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Holiday Unhappiness

The Holiday Season has officially started.

I realize that along with all that talk of peace and goodwill, this time of year can bring tremendous sadness. Many of us are remembering loved ones we’ve lost… perhaps finances are tight and the stockings won’t be stuffed so full this year… those recently separated are struggling to work around obsolete traditions…

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Monday Music

At some point during the final destruction of my marriage, I discovered an old Eagles cassette (I still love cassette tapes. They’re so durable!) and for as long as I still had a tape player in my car, I listened to this song on my way to work. My favorite line is “so often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key…”

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Striving For Zen-ness…

I think I’m done venting for the time being. Thank you for bearing with me through my momentary madness.

Today I encountered the following poem and have decided to share it in an effort to turn this literary mood to a more peaceful state. If I’d remembered this gem a few days ago, I could’ve saved myself a bunch of angry outbursts…

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Just Venting #3: Who Says?

I should go ahead an apologize to the moms right now: I’m sorry this week’s posts are so anti-female. I do realize the Bad Guy can be of either gender.

That being said, the next inflammatory remark I’d like to comment on is this one:

“[Mom] was willing to let [Dad] have [child] every other weekend, but that wasn’t good enough for him. [Dad] is making it an ugly divorce because he won’t agree and now they’ll probably end up in court.”

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