TDE Gets a Stepfamily

It’s no secret that I’m not a big fan of weddings. Over lunch last week, I asked some of Boyfriend’s co-workers why they attend such events. The answers varied:
“To meet drunken bimbos”
“To support the couple” (funny how soooo many people show up to “support” the couple at the wedding, but then disappear during a divorce when people really need support)
“To meet new people”
“To see people I haven’t seen in a long time”
“They’re fun. It’s a big party with drinks and dancing!”

On June 26, I attended a wedding because I was the daughter of the bride…

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Book: Stepmonster…

I’m not a stepmother, but I play one every other weekend.

Given the fact that I live with a man who has children, I was delighted to read and see myself in Stepmoster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel and Act the Way We Do, by Wednesday Martin, Ph.D. What a relieving, validating and motivating read!

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The Co$t of Anger

True story (minor details have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved)…

Janie and Joe had been separated for nearly a year. The paperwork had been filed, the support amount had been determined and the custody arrangements had been arranged. That said, they were still struggling to find some sense of normalcy in their new lives.

One Sunday night toward the end of the month, the kids returned from a visit with Joe and were ecstatic to tell their mother about the great weekend they had. Janie bit her tongue while she listened patiently, then sent the girls to bed and seethed until the wee hours of the morning. The following day, she did what nearly every divorcing person does when they feel defeated: she called her lawyer.

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