The Stories of Our Lives

Once upon a time, there lived a couple named Jack and Janice. Jack and Janice were both well-educated individuals with high-paying jobs. They lived in a beautiful home they built themselves, nestled in the woods and surrounded by hiking trails they’d cut with their own tools.

After eight years of marriage, Jack made friends with a younger woman at the gym.

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A Successful Relationship

During a recent interview on Family Matters radio show, Jill Egizii asked me what advice I’d give to people looking to have a successful marriage. I gave the typical response: it takes work (the relationship has to be on the Priority List) and it takes planning (what are the expectations?). And I told a story about a conversation I had last Saturday…

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Guest Post: Familial Evolution

This guest post comes from David Williams, who is sharing this story on behalf of a family member who can offer a full picture of divorce through her parents’ divorce and her own…

Familial Evolution – Perspectives on Divorce from Child to Mother

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Leaving The Future Behind

Last weekend I attended an event which featured a walking meditation. As we walked, we were instructed to notice our breath and our movement. We kept going, and were told to imagine the past, our ancestors, stretched before us as if we were following in their footsteps… And then we were told to imagine the future behind us.

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My 2013 Word Of Intention

In the middle of December, I began toying with the idea of choosing a Word Of Intention for 2013. I heard of this practice for the first time last year when Brene Brown chose the word “light” for 2012, and I thought it was rather interesting.

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