Does It Really Matter?

Divorce makes people a little nutty. It can make us identify so strongly with our delicate feelings that we behave in a nonsensical manner. As if even the tiniest incident deserves our full attention. As if every word needs to be met with a rebuttal. As if every minor drama is The Fight of Your Life… The following story is an easy example. It’s true. Minor details have been changed to protect individual privacy.

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Shout Out: “Thank You!”

I’d like to take a moment to express my appreciation for Mandy over at Since My Divorce. A few weeks ago, Mandy took some time to interview me (me?!?!) and over the past week, she posted a series about The Divorce Encouragist on her site.

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Book: “For Better Or For Worse: Divorce Reconsidered”

Recently, I finished reading For Better Or For Worse: Divorce Reconsidered by E. Mavis Hetherington and John Kelly. I am such a freaking nerd about this stuff! I’m supposed to be reading some sort of juicy fiction in my spare time… but no, here I am filling my mind with literature which chronicles a 20-year study on My Favorite Topic.

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Your Opinion Please: Partners of Co-Parents

I’m somewhat fascinated by people who think negatively of their ex’s partner– or even the idea of a new partner. If Mr./Ms. Smith has such bad taste in (wo)men, what does that say about Mr./Ms. Smith’s ex-wife/husband? (am I offending anyone?) The phenomenon seems to occur more often when children are involved- I suppose because one parent feels they are being protective. Is it protective? Or damaging?

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