Saturday’s Song: Let That Pony Run

I have plans to do something touristy today, and I considered sightseeing on horseback… until I saw the price tag. I decided to save a few (and by “few”, I mean “a lot of”) bucks and travel on foot instead. The reason I’m telling you this is that the brief consideration, combined with the fact that it’s Saturday, reminded me of this particular song.

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Magical Letters

A few weeks ago, I saw this in my Facebook news feed: The following week, I saw this one: Isn’t it amazing?  The way we weave words together to validate or denigrate based on what side of the door we’re on…

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Celebrating Independence

On this Independence Day, in addition to honoring the holiday itself, I’m all about celebrating the many facets of my personal independence (financial, social, professional, emotional, etc)…

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Compassionate Acronyms

Quick, think of the person you dislike the most in the world. Do you have a name in mind? Has this person hurt you? Hurt your family? Said awful things to/about you? Did this person lie to you? Stab you in the back? Steal from you? All of the above?

How do you feel when you think about this person? What thoughts or emotions get stuck on “repeat” when you hear that name? Are you livid? Seething? Broken? Are you wondering, How could you? Or, Why would you? Do you feel powerful? Powerless? Do you feel hateful?

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Conflict Doesn’t (Have To) Mean “Carnage”

I once was told that children should be read lots of fairy tales. The idea is not to teach children that the Good Guys always win, but rather to teach them that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

After much consideration, I’ve decided I have a problem with this. The older I get, the less I believe in The Good Guys vs. The Bad Guys. It’s not always that simple. And, did you ever realize that *your side* is always the *good* side? I wonder if most of us understand that our opponents are just as certain that they’re the ones who are *right* (Religion is the easiest example. Divorce is another good one).

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