Dear Ex, Thanks…

By adopting an attitude of gratitude, we can ease a lot of those not-so-pleasant feelings that go along with divorce.  And, especially when trying to work with someone we might now despise, it helps to have some humility and be grateful… To My Ex Husband, Thank You… For sharing (some of) my interests (classic cars, classic rock, the Discovery Channel…) For exposing me to new things (the underside of my car, your mom’s homemade soap…) For the good times (our trip to Harper’s Ferry, parasailing, laughs on the couch…) For trusting me (to care for you following your surgery… and […]

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Mother’s Day Gratitude

I signed on to Facebook last night and saw the following status from a friend of mine:

“Thank you to my wonderful sons for making my mother’s day very special. Thank you also to my husband who has shared this journey with me.”

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Guest Post: More Dating Tips

For those of you in Britain who are looking for some royal romance of your own, I’m happy to present this latest guest post from Ivana Vitali. Below are some helpful hints for anyone looking to begin dating after a divorce…

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Taking Responsibility

“Accept responsibility, and power will be given to you. Taller trees grow from lower ground” – Tao Te Ching

A few days ago, Boyfriend and I got into a discussion about divorce and blame. We discussed the common tactic of assigning fault to explain a divorce: “she was a bitch” and “he was an asshole”. That makes it so easy, doesn’t it? And in the complicated world of divorce, we relish the easy explanation- especially if it absolves us of guilt.

It was Gandhi who suggested “you must be the change you wish to see in the world”, and I believe that’s true. In an effort to “be the change”, I’ve decided to publicly take responsibility for my own role in the meltdown of my marriage.

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Divorce Goals

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.” ~Lawrence J. Peter

I always thought the word “goals” sounded rather nerdy (never mind the fact that I’ve always been a bit of a nerd). Of course, I understand the value of having a plan… it was just the G-word that was a turnoff. So, historically speaking, I haven’t been one to write down my G-words and draw a physical map of how to reach them. But then I discovered Zig Ziglar. I’ve been listening to him in my car for years. He’s one of my favorite travel companions. And Zig has really helped me get over my issues with the G-words.

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