Team Frog

My apologies to those of you with butterfly tattoos…

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly”

This is a wonderfully inspiring conglomeration of words- especially for someone going through a separation or divorce. People in the throes of such a transition need to be reminded that change is good. But why is it that the butterfly is our go-to “transformational” creature? Why not the frog?

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Love Lesson From The Dog

Bullygirl’s medical crisis forced me to think about a lot of things. From the upheaval of emotion and outflow of cash came an influx of inner peace and clarity. I needed this. I never would have asked for it, but I needed it. I’d like to extend my humble thanks to The Universe.

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Single Mom, Standing

Bullygirl had a medical crisis this week. Monday morning she had terrible muscle spasms which caused her to scream in agony. Her regular vet gave her injections of painkillers and valium, neither of which provided relief. As Bullygirl writhed in pain, Dr. G and I agreed that it was necessary for her to see a specialist, ASAP.

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Cries For Help: The Dance We Do…

A baby cries for attention because he has a need that he can neither understand nor communicate. “Wah… Wahhh…WAAHHH!!!” Immediately, others come running with remedies: bottles, toys, bouncy seats, rocking chairs… “There, there, Infant,” they tell him. “You are safe.  You are loved.” The baby will then gulp their milk, inspect their toys and delight in the attention that’s paid him… Until he feels satisfied, and again goes to sleep. As humans, we are programmed to make a fuss when something is wrong.  As we grow from infancy we become more verbal, however many times we remain unable to articulate […]

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Movie: An Unmarried Woman

Last weekend it snowed in my area. Boyfriend and I had plans to go away for the weekend, but given the weather forecast we decided to stay home instead. The unexpected down time afforded us several hours to lounge in front of the TV with lots of cookies and ice cream.

While scanning the menu for something to watch, we stumbled upon the movie An Unmarried Woman. Naturally, I found the title to be intriguing, so Boyfriend pushed the play button.

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