Telling Stories

I’ve wrestled with the quote in the image above. It’s an empowering conglomeration of verbiage, isn’t it? It’s empowering… until you think about it too much. Then it just becomes confusing. Each of us has our own story, and we write that story ourselves. We determine the genre, rating and roles of the characters. In truth, we create our own reality. Most of the time we socialize with others who agree with our story and thus live in a similar reality. And, in that case, all is well. Problems arise when one tells a story which clashes with the reality […]

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Stories Influence Circumstances

Tonight, I mentioned to my chiropractor that I often slouch. He told me to stop saying that. It was yet another reminder of how much we are affected by the stories we tell. Perhaps I won’t slouch so much if I stop describing myself that way.

I wrote about this topic in my last post, and I think it’s worth expounding upon: Our circumstances are the products of the stories we tell ourselves. We can alter or reinforce our feelings with these stories. And yet, how often do we check in with those tales to verify their validity and make a determination about whether or not a particular story is appropriate for where we want to go in life?

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