Sunday Song: The Best Days…

I know, I’m late with Saturday’s Song. I’m sorry. I was without internet access for most of the day yesterday. This is the first I’ve been able to sit down and put my laptop to work.

I have a list of songs prepared for this gig, but I’m not posting them in order. Each week I consider them and choose one that feels appropriate. Sometimes the one I pick isn’t even on my list. This week’s song was on the radio as I entered my house a few minutes ago- the timing was perfect.

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Saturday’s Song

When contemplating what song I wanted to feature this week, I was reminded of a recent video from fellow 30-something, divorced and childless blogger, Sassy Divorcee (see her story here). I first encountered Sassy on Twitter and I liked her name, so I followed her. According to Sassy, she’s no Elizabeth Gilbert. Indeed, she brings her own unique brand of sass, strength and sarcasm to the blogosphere. When I read her post entitled Who Said Divorce Was The End Of My Life, I found it rather awesome (I love her new spin on the phrase “head in the clouds”). I tweeted the post with a note about the inspiration within and Sassy sent me a link to the video below which features more images from her amazing journey, as well as today’s song: Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You), performed by Kelly Clarkston, written by Jörgen Elofsson, Ali Tamposi, David Gamson, and Greg Kurstin.

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Monday Music

At some point during the final destruction of my marriage, I discovered an old Eagles cassette (I still love cassette tapes. They’re so durable!) and for as long as I still had a tape player in my car, I listened to this song on my way to work. My favorite line is “so often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key…”

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