After the end of a relationship, there often lurks a nagging question about when The Ex will get what’s coming to him/her. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? That’s right, Karma. When we think about karma, we tend to make assumptions. We hold expectations about what it means, and what it will look like. Overall we ask, “When will justice be served?” Sometimes, it’s a long wait. At least, as far as we can tell from where we stand. And I know it can be frustrating. But, I think the general idea of Karma works. That’s to say, “what […]
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Did S/he Cheat? Does it Matter?
Several years ago I had the feeling my partner was having an affair. When I questioned him, he told me I was crazy, insecure and possessive. During that period of our relationship, he did a lot of screaming while I did a lot of crying. Did he cheat on me? I couldn’t prove it, and he insisted he was innocent, so I stayed in the relationship. Since then, I’ve heard many similar stories from people who desperately want to believe the best about their partners. Sometimes they justify, “it was only an emotional affair.” Sometimes they fall back on The […]
Continue readingBook: The Chump Lady Survival Guide to Infidelity
When I first visited the Chump Lady web site, I assumed Tracy Schorn was just another scorned and forever-bitter man-hater. But then I started digging deeper into the site. In her digital library, I found much wit, wisdom and profanity. I nodded, laughed and cried. And I decided to buy her book. The Chump Lady Survival Guide to Infidelity, How to Regain Your Sanity After You’ve Been Cheated On is a soft book. Literally. It’s not fuzzy, but the matte cover has a silky-smooth quality to it that I’ve yet to notice in other paperbacks. But I don’t think you should […]
Continue readingBook: And One Last Thing…
A couple weeks ago, I made another solo trip to Cape Cod (more on that later). While driving, I listened to And One Last Thing… by Molly Harper to keep me awake. I love a good divorce story, and this one contained just the right amount of tragedy, comedy and hope. The book tells the story of Lacey Terwilliger, a southern housewife who is shocked to discover that her husband has been sleeping with his secretary. When the tears subside and the anger sets in, Lacey deals with the situation by making a very public (and hilarious!) announcement to her […]
Continue readingSaturday’s Song: Let That Pony Run
I have plans to do something touristy today, and I considered sightseeing on horseback… until I saw the price tag. I decided to save a few (and by “few”, I mean “a lot of”) bucks and travel on foot instead. The reason I’m telling you this is that the brief consideration, combined with the fact that it’s Saturday, reminded me of this particular song.
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