Deck the Halls With Divorce Folly… But Preferably Not

January 5, 2015 is “Divorce Monday”…. ‘Tis the season for divorces Fa la la la la la la la la When couples stop beating dead horses Fa la la la la la la la la Will they make it quick and clever? Fa la la la la la la la la Or will the kids be scarred forever? Fa la la la la la la la la It’s that time of year:  For many weeks, miserable couples gritted their teeth and faked smiles through the pre-determined Home Stretch of their time together.  And now the Holiday Season has passed.  The pretty […]

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Divorce Corp Family Law Reform Conference

You might recall how excited I was back in January when the movie Divorce Corp came to a theater near me (I wrote about it here). This past weekend I was even more delighted to attend the Divorce Corp Family Law Reform Conference in Alexandria, VA. The event was attended by a wide variety of people: lawyers, therapists, coaches, consultants, moms, dads, friends… each one with a personal story and a deep desire to see some serious changes in the family court system. The speakers were passionate, knowledgeable professionals with captivating stories, facts and missions to share. I laughed. I […]

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Shame and Blame and Fear (of Divorce)… Oh My!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about the moments I knew my marriage was over.  It was originally published on and was later featured by The Huffington Post.  You can read it here. The piece wasn’t the first of mine that’s been picked up by The Huffington Post, but  judging by the response, I think it was the most popular (and perhaps that’s why it was published on the German site as well).  Not only did I receive some ‘thank you’ emails from those who walked a similar path, the article garnered more than 200 comments.  Unlike […]

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Would You Take Your Ex to the Hospital?

This week, a friend of mine took her ex-husband to the hospital. It was a move which, I thought, demonstrated a kind heart and mature relationship. Of course, not everyone thinks like me. A little background:  Penny’s ex called her one evening and asked if she could pick up their children because he was too sick to drive them to her house. She obliged, and the next day she checked in to see how he was doing. Unfortunately his condition was such that he needed immediate medical attention.  Penny drove him to the hospital, assisted him in the ER and […]

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Telling Stories

I’ve wrestled with the quote in the image above. It’s an empowering conglomeration of verbiage, isn’t it? It’s empowering… until you think about it too much. Then it just becomes confusing. Each of us has our own story, and we write that story ourselves. We determine the genre, rating and roles of the characters. In truth, we create our own reality. Most of the time we socialize with others who agree with our story and thus live in a similar reality. And, in that case, all is well. Problems arise when one tells a story which clashes with the reality […]

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