
Is Joint Custody Best?

I’ve seen a lot of headlines about states that are moving towards automatic joint custody for divorced parents. And there’s always a lot of cheers… and a lot of jeers. This is big news in the communities devoted to Fathers’ Rights. Men usually cheer because this prescription will save fathers a lengthy and expensive court battle if they want to share parenting time equally with their ex. The women’s communities are a bit more divided on this issue of 50/50 joint custody. Some women strongly believe their children are not safe with their ex. They insist, for the wellbeing of the children, […]

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total eclipse

Divorce And The Solar Eclipse

I was about ten years old when I learned the definition of a “solar eclipse”. As my teacher described how the sun, moon and Earth align to create the phenomenon, I stared in awe at a photo in my science book. I was amazed, and I wanted to see it in person. Yesterday, I did. Since the event, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting. Like so many other things in nature, I thought about the eclipse as a metaphor, and I drew parallels to human relationships… The sun and moon are kind of like a divorced couple. You might say they’re the parents […]

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stress and divorce

Stress And Divorce, My Interview With Frank Wood

When it comes to divorce, the existence of stress goes without saying. We talk about it, of course… but we often don’t delve too deeply into the topic. Recently, I became acquainted with Frank Wood, a psychologist with a special focus on stress. We sat down for discussion about stress and divorce, and I’m happy to share it with you today. In the video below, Dr. Wood and I discuss stress as it relates to divorce– when it happens, who it affects, why it matters, how it persists and what you can do about it. Watch the interview to learn more, […]

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Smart Women

Book: Smart Women by Judy Blume

I don’t read much fiction. In fact, I tend to limit the genre to vacations only. Thus, in planning a recent trip to Cape Cod, I began looking for a book to read. At first I wandered through Barnes & Noble, waiting for something to catch my eye. On one of the tables, I discovered Judy Blume’s newest release, In The Unlikely Event. I picked it up and thumbed through it. It looked good, but it was too long for me to read in four days. Still, my search had been narrowed. I love Judy Blume, and I decided to […]

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ex love

Ex Loves …Why Don’t We Speak of Them?

Do you ever mention your ex loves? I’m asking because a few days ago, I witnessed the following exchange: Husband (to a group of people):  Someone once threw me a surprise party… Wife (with genuine curiosity):  Who was it that threw the party? Husband (hesitates): it… well, that was a long time ago. I assumed the party-thrower was an ex. In the moment, the group laughed and made jokes about the event happening in another era. The conversation moved forward without another glitch. Later, I gave the scenario more thought. I wondered why the husband was so hesitant to speak the name of […]

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