Welcome to 2020! Out with the old… in with the new, right? It’s time to set some new intentions.
The latter part of 2019 was a bit of a crazy time for me as I made several shifts in my life. I, like so many of us, came to the realization that much of my frustration could be eliminated if only I would change. Ugh. That’s so hard, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply complain and then everything around us would shift into alignment for our happiness?
But it doesn’t work that way.
I had to accept responsibility for the situations I’d created. And I had to adjust my focus to see a better way forward. It was up to me to own my power, to use my voice, and to do what I could do to bring about a better outcome. It wasn’t comfortable. But I’m in a better place now. And that’s good.
Which brings me to this new year and new beginning. Since 2013, I’ve chosen a Word of Intention at the beginning of the year.
Not this year.
For 2020 I’ve decided to do something a little different… something I should have done a long time ago. This year I’m going to focus quarterly on each of The Four Agreements (if you’re not familiar, check out the book by Don Miguel Ruiz). They are…
- Be Impeccable With Your Word (speak with integrity, speak with love, don’t gossip, say what you mean)
- Don’t Take Anything Personally (what others say and do is about them and their own attempts to meet their needs)
- Don’t Make Assumptions (ask questions and gain clarity rather than assuming and… well, you know what happens when you assume)
- Always Do Your Best (your capacity can change minute-by-minute. do what you can and know you did your best)
I wish I could say I’m off to a great start. But I’m finding it especially difficult to transform my frustrations into words of integrity, authenticity, and love. For now I’m focusing on speaking with clarity, saying what I mean, and not arguing where it’s not productive.
Do you have an intention or resolution that you’re carrying into 2020?