Marriage is a Womb. Divorce is a Birth.

Marriage is a womb.  Divorce is a birth.

This metaphor has been taking form in my head for months… I figured it was time to write it down.  Have you ever considered it this way?

In the beginning of a marriage, there is room to grow.  We are warm and protected and the environment is nourishing.  It’s fun… safe… soothing… and comforting to know that we are cared for by another.

And then things change.

Sometimes we feel too cramped and we reach out in search of greener pastures.  Other times we are extricated from the womb by unforeseen forces.

In either case, birth commences.

To say it’s uncomfortable would be an understatement.  We’re squeezed in many ways as the whole world changes.  We cry.  We’re trembling.  We feel exposed, vulnerable and in desperate need of support.

At first, we can’t hold our heads up, let alone stand on our own two feet.  There are no words to express how we feel, and we need help with just about everything.  If we’re lucky (and most of us are), we’ll find ourselves surrounded by those who cherish us, even in our weakest moments.  They patiently offer support and guidance as we learn to be human.

Eventually, we learn to hold our heads up, and we find our voices.  We become more mobile as we curiously explore this different life, and through new experiences we continue to grow.

As time goes by, we become.  We learn the art of self love.  We make new friends.  We provide for ourselves, and we conquer new heights.

Divorce is a birth.  And, from a safe distance, it is a miraculous gift.


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