My 2014 Word of Intention

At the beginning of 2013, I determined that my Word of Intention for the year would be “nourish,” and I think it was appropriate.

Looking back, I see that 2013 was a year of quieter reflections, close-to-home efforts and soul-supporting solitude.  As a nourishing presence to others, I adopted an elderly dog (deaf, blind and arthritic, but boy is he cute!) and joined Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  I also did a lot of internal processing while I nourished my mind, body and spirit.    I now find myself more firmly rooted and ready to rise…


rising above the rim

…Which is I’ve chosen the word “Grow” to be my 2014 Word of Intention.  With 2013 behind me, I feel prepared to take on larger challenges.  Looking ahead, I have some exciting events planned for this year, and I’ve identified a few fears that need to be kicked in the face.  I’m looking forward to growing my audience, my hair and a garden, to name a few.

What’s your word/intention/resolution/goal for 2014?

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