New Year, New Intentions

Welcome to 2020! Out with the old… in with the new, right? It’s time to set some new intentions. The latter part of 2019 was a bit of a crazy time for me as I made several shifts in my life.  I, like so many of us, came to the realization that much of my frustration could be eliminated if only I would change.  Ugh.  That’s so hard, isn’t it?  Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply complain and then everything around us would shift into alignment for our happiness? But it doesn’t work that way. I had to accept responsibility […]

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My 2014 Word of Intention

At the beginning of 2013, I determined that my Word of Intention for the year would be “nourish,” and I think it was appropriate. Looking back, I see that 2013 was a year of quieter reflections, close-to-home efforts and soul-supporting solitude.  As a nourishing presence to others, I adopted an elderly dog (deaf, blind and arthritic, but boy is he cute!) and joined Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  I also did a lot of internal processing while I nourished my mind, body and spirit.    I now find myself more firmly rooted and ready to rise… …Which is I’ve chosen the word “Grow” […]

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My 2013 Word Of Intention

In the middle of December, I began toying with the idea of choosing a Word Of Intention for 2013. I heard of this practice for the first time last year when Brene Brown chose the word “light” for 2012, and I thought it was rather interesting.

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