Interview: I Talked to Jessica Hoffmann, Founder and CEO of Family Docket

Family Docket is a wonderful way to help you stay organized and communicate more effectively during and beyond your divorce proceedings. I connected with Jessica Hoffmann, the program’s founder, on LinkedIn a few months ago. First, we scheduled some time to chat… then, I saw a demo of the program… and then, I recorded an interview with her so we could share this information with you.

So, here’s a question:  Do you text with your ex?

Most people do. And then they take screen shots of the more “interesting” conversations so they can send the communication to their lawyers.

Does this sound familiar?

The Text Issue is just one way Family Docket can make your life a little easier. It can also help coparents communicate about prescriptions or medical reimbursements… and it easily keeps your lawyer in the loop.

Really, it’s a pretty impressive system. Check out my talk with Jessica below:


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