Sarah, Plain and Tall was written by Patricia MacLachlan, published in 1985 and awarded the Newberry Medal. The thin paperback was part of my book collection for more than 25 years (that long? really???) before I finally plucked it from the masses and started turning the pages last weekend. I suppose it was fate- I hadn’t read it until I could understand much more of it. And now I can share it with you.
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Do People Change?
Many years ago, I dated someone whom I’ll call “Don”. He drove a sporty coupe and worked at a grocery store. Back then, I wore short shorts and had a somewhat catty relationship with his ex-girlfriend. We ate at cheap restaurants, spent many evenings at the movies and engaged in a lot of “experimental” activity. We were young and in love and… you get the idea.
Nowadays Don is married with a bunch of kids. He’s a medical professional and owns a vehicle with four doors. I’m sure it’s been a really long time since he vomited tequila and macaroni and cheese on someone’s bedroom floor. Blue eyes aside, he barely resembles the guy who affectionately referred to me as “Boo Boo”.
Did he change?
Continue readingGuest Post: Being Blood-Related Doesn’t Preclude a Family Bond
Today’s post is brought to you by Jenny Ellis, who contacted me a few weeks ago with a request to write something for Relative Evolutions. After some discussion regarding content, Jenny agreed to write a piece discussing the bonds that can exist between family members who aren’t related by blood. As Stepmother’s Day approaches, I thought the timing was perfect. Here’s Jenny…
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Bullygirl’s medical crisis forced me to think about a lot of things. From the upheaval of emotion and outflow of cash came an influx of inner peace and clarity. I needed this. I never would have asked for it, but I needed it. I’d like to extend my humble thanks to The Universe.
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Bullygirl had a medical crisis this week. Monday morning she had terrible muscle spasms which caused her to scream in agony. Her regular vet gave her injections of painkillers and valium, neither of which provided relief. As Bullygirl writhed in pain, Dr. G and I agreed that it was necessary for her to see a specialist, ASAP.
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