Do People Change?

Many years ago, I dated someone whom I’ll call “Don”. He drove a sporty coupe and worked at a grocery store. Back then, I wore short shorts and had a somewhat catty relationship with his ex-girlfriend. We ate at cheap restaurants, spent many evenings at the movies and engaged in a lot of “experimental” activity. We were young and in love and… you get the idea.

Nowadays Don is married with a bunch of kids. He’s a medical professional and owns a vehicle with four doors. I’m sure it’s been a really long time since he vomited tequila and macaroni and cheese on someone’s bedroom floor. Blue eyes aside, he barely resembles the guy who affectionately referred to me as “Boo Boo”.

Did he change?

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Sunday Song: The Best Days…

I know, I’m late with Saturday’s Song. I’m sorry. I was without internet access for most of the day yesterday. This is the first I’ve been able to sit down and put my laptop to work.

I have a list of songs prepared for this gig, but I’m not posting them in order. Each week I consider them and choose one that feels appropriate. Sometimes the one I pick isn’t even on my list. This week’s song was on the radio as I entered my house a few minutes ago- the timing was perfect.

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Social Media And The Separation

The second part of my social media series has to do with the breakup process. What is the appropriate way to handle a divorce on the social scene?

I’ve seen countless status updates to say that individuals have gone from being some form of “coupled” to “single”. Sometimes those updates are accompanied by a personal note to offer more details about the situation or the feelings around the event. I suppose I understand the need for a public announcement. Sometimes it’s easier to say it once on Facebook than having to reiterate the same scenario countless times in person, on the phone or through individual emails.

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Saturday’s Song… Westbound

This week’s song is one that actually inspired me to get out of town. Actually, I’m quite often inspired to get out of town… but this song propelled me westward. Before beginning the Saturday Song Project, I hadn’t thought much about it… I wasn’t even reminded of it last year when I visited San Francisco on business. Yet, when I considered a list of music to get you through the weekend, it was one of the first that came to mind.

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Saturday’s Song: The Mary Tyler Moore Theme

The night before my senior year of high school began, my orange-haired, freckled boyfriend dumped me. It was, like, The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To Me (omg, what was I thinking? It feels terribly silly now!). Lucky for me, I had supportive family and friends to help me through the trauma (ugh, traum!?! I can’t believe that’s how I felt about it!!). And late at night, when they were sleeping, I had Mary Tyler Moore reruns.

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