Saturday’s Song: One Day At a Time

Towards the end of my marriage, I used to watch a lot of One Day at a Time reruns. My favorite part was the beginning, where Ann puts down her suitcases and jumps for joy as she’s leaving her old home to start over. When I finally left my home to start over, I wasn’t carrying suitcases, I was holding the leashes of two dogs. Such circumstances precluded me from immitating Ann’s moment of freedom. Still, I love the song… and the saga…

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Appropriate Poetry

In August of 2001, I traveled to Charlotte North Carolina with a friend of mine. We spent several days in the city, checking out the area and the people. We even investigated a few apartment complexes because we loved the place enough to consider relocating. The thing I remember most was a giant yellow chair. It must’ve been been part of a local art exhibit- there were chairs randomly placed around the downtown area, each of them decorated in a different manner.

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Saturday’s Song: Already Gone

May 24 was the anniversary of the night my husband said we should separate. Six years ago this weekend, I walked through a street fair with an old friend and told him, “I’m still sleeping and eating, so I know I’m ok.”

All of this reminds me of the song that was my personal anthem (well, one of them) during that period of my life and I thought it would be fitting to share it here today. I love this song because it represents the power that we have to take control of a situation instead of simply letting things happen to us.

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Social Media Use… Moving Forward

For my third post in the Social Media Series, I’m going to look toward the future use of these tools with regards to personal/family relationships. If you missed parts one and two (about the relationship and the separation), you can read them here and here.
So…the old relationship is over and the breakup madness has subsided. You’re ready to move on. Now what?

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Saturday’s Song: Independent Women

I was reminded of this song earlier in the week when reading an article from Time about how Gotye’s Somebody The I Used To Know stacks up against other breakup songs. The article doesn’t mention this song in particular. Instead Beyonce’s Single Ladies is noted on the list of well-known breakup anthems. It was that song that reminded me of this one.

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