Holiday Unhappiness

The Holiday Season has officially started.

I realize that along with all that talk of peace and goodwill, this time of year can bring tremendous sadness. Many of us are remembering loved ones we’ve lost… perhaps finances are tight and the stockings won’t be stuffed so full this year… those recently separated are struggling to work around obsolete traditions…

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Wisdom In Poetry

On the night before I began my senior year of high school, my heart was broken by a blue-eyed redhead. Upon learning of my depleted emotional state, my great aunt sent me a copy of Desiderata. She also suggested that I make like a dog: retreat to the shadows and lick my wounds, then come out stronger and ready to face the world. She’s a wise one, my great aunt. To this day, that copy of Desiderata remains framed in my bedroom.

Fast forward several years… I was in my great aunt’s house, reading the various tidbits magnetized to her fridge. One of those tidbits was (is, as far as I know) the following poem…

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