Defenses = Damage

Have I ever mentioned that I’m one of those nerdy people who listens to audiobooks in the car? I am. Recently, I was listening to an old Deepak Chopra book and he was discussing the concept of aging- or rather, not aging. He stated that healthy relationships are a key to our longevity. And when discussing how to maintain healthy relationships, he suggested letting down our defenses. Because when you are defenseless, you are invincible (what? Isn’t that like letting people walk all over you?). When you are defenseless, there is nothing to attack (Oh, ok… now I get it).

In contemplating this, I am reminded of an argument I overheard several years ago…

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Good Reading

I don’t know if everyone surfs the divorce/blended family sites as much as I do. I thought I’d pass along a few good reads I’ve encountered over the past couple weeks.

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Book: Stepmonster…

I’m not a stepmother, but I play one every other weekend.

Given the fact that I live with a man who has children, I was delighted to read and see myself in Stepmoster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel and Act the Way We Do, by Wednesday Martin, Ph.D. What a relieving, validating and motivating read!

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