Gina’s Diary: Dad’s Girlfriend

I’ve read that men typically recouple first in the aftermath of a divorce. That was true in my case, after my parents split up…

My dad was the one who told me about his girlfriend, after I answered the phone and heard a strange female voice asking for him. I remember feeling slightly shocked by the news. It was only a month or two after my dad moved out and I was still adjusting to the new living arrangements. I didn’t expect my parents to start dating so quickly. I’m not sure if I expected them to start dating at all.

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Guest Post: More Dating Tips

For those of you in Britain who are looking for some royal romance of your own, I’m happy to present this latest guest post from Ivana Vitali. Below are some helpful hints for anyone looking to begin dating after a divorce…

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Guest Post: 5 Tips For Dating After Divorce, by Vanessa Jones

The following is a guest post from Vanessa Jones. I know I don’t write much about dating and it seems this is an area of expertise for Ms. Jones. So, for those of you “in the market”… enjoy!

5 Tips for Dating after a Divorce

I’m of the opinion that dating again after a divorce should start only after a significant break.
Breaks from all things romantic give you time to heal, to reflect on what you want out of life,
and to re-discover yourself as a single person. If you’re already seeing someone, think twice before
making a major shift like moving in together. After all, the best decisions are never rushed
decisions, and I’ve seen too many people further pulverize an already injured heart by jumping
immediately into another person’s arms right after their divorce is finalized. Once you’ve
centered yourself in the ways you know how, keep the following in mind when re-entering the
dating world:

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