I saw Mrs. Doubtfire in the theater when it was released in 1993. At that time, I watched the story through the eyes of a child with divorced parents. I thought it was a nice story, and a funny one. But there was a lot that I didn’t understand. Yet.
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Parental Alienation: It’s Not Always What You Think
The following video was linked in a comment on a previous post about Parental Alienation Syndrome. I found it so moving that I was inspired to feature it in a new post.
Continue readingBook: A Family’s Heartbreak
I recently finished reading A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation by Michael Jeffries and Dr. Joel Davies. To date, I think this is my favorite book about this very important topic. (do I say that about every book I read on this topic?)
Continue readingDear Divorcing…
It’s January and lots of people are now working on fulfilling their New Year’s Resolution to get divorced. With that in mind, I’d like to submit the following letter to those beginning the painful/joyful path to freedom…
Continue readingYour Opinion: A Good Parent??
I’ve heard it many times: “My ex doesn’t see the kids anymore because he/she is too involved with his/her new family.”
The explanations might vary. Perhaps distance is to blame… maybe Mom and Dad’s relationship was so volatile that one of them felt it necessary to disappear… or I guess it’s possible that the new tribe is just more fun/engaging/nice/etc.
In one family, this person is celebrated for his/her love and devotion. In another family, the same person is cursed for his/her lack of the same.
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