Saturday’s Song: Let It Grow

This week’s song came to me yesterday afternoon while I was composing a rather difficult letter.  The lyrics crept into my head in such miniscule fragments that I didn’t even recognize it at first.  I had to google it.

Oh yeah, I thought as the identity was revealed on the glowing screen.  I remember that one.  Eric Clapton’s Let It Grow was once a track on the playlist in my old yoga class.

On the computer, I clicked a few more buttons so I could hear the song.  My reunion with the music proved to be bittersweet as I simultaneously burst into goosebumps and tears (If you’re unfamiliar with my brutally beautiful yoga journey, you can read about it here).

I thought Let It Grow would be a fitting song to share here this weekend.  It’s good, solid advice:  wherever you are, whatever you’re dealing with, it’s always appropriate to seed the situation with love (in some way, at least).  Sometimes it will grow.  Other times, it’s best to let go.

I hope you’re spending the weekend in a place where love is wildly thriving.  Enjoy the holiday!


 If you’d like to make a request for Saturday’s song, email me:, tweet me @relativevolutns or let me know on Facebook.

Eric Clapton Let It Grow Lyrics

(written by Eric Clapton)
Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow.
Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow.
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow.
Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,
Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,
But there’s nothing left to show,
Plant your love and let it grow.
Time is getting shorter and there’s much for you to do.
Only ask and you will get what you are needing,
The rest is up to you.
Plant your love and let it grow.


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