Book: “The Look of Love”

I’d like to start this post with a big “Thank You!” to Deesha and crew from CoParenting Matters.  It was through their contest on Twitter where I was fortunate enough to win a copy of The Look of Love, written by Jill Egizii.

Ms. Egizii is not an author by profession.  Nor is she a PhD with a desire to communicate research stats.  She’s an alienated parent.  Her book is the fictional account of a divorce scenario in which the children’s relationship with their mother is destroyed through parental alienation.  While several aspects of the tale were far-fetched when compared to the average divorcing couple, the emotions conveyed are quite real.  The confusion, the anger, the hope, the grief, the helplessness… they all shine through and allow the reader a window through which to experience the reality of parental alienation (although, for many, the reality is longer and less hopeful).

This book was a fairly quick piece to read and because it’s a “story” (as opposed to an instruction manual or research findings) I think it has potential to find its way into unsuspecting hands and provide a pool-side education about a very serious issue.  I might buy an extra copy to leave on the Book Table at work…

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