ex love

Ex Loves …Why Don’t We Speak of Them?

Do you ever mention your ex loves? I’m asking because a few days ago, I witnessed the following exchange: Husband (to a group of people):  Someone once threw me a surprise party… Wife (with genuine curiosity):  Who was it that threw the party? Husband (hesitates): it… well, that was a long time ago. I assumed the party-thrower was an ex. In the moment, the group laughed and made jokes about the event happening in another era. The conversation moved forward without another glitch. Later, I gave the scenario more thought. I wondered why the husband was so hesitant to speak the name of […]

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Author Interview with Lisa Thomson

Recently, I read The Great Escape:  A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage by Lisa Thomson. As you might have guessed by the title, The Great Escape provides a lot of hints and tips for women looking to start a new, unmarried, chapter of their lives. I found the book to be both relatable as well as informative. Today, I’m excited to share an interview with Lisa Thomson. Let’s get to it… Lisa, thanks for taking some time for an interview with Relative Evolutions. Your book, The Great Escape: A Girl’s Guide to Leaving a Marriage is the perfect blend […]

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Nonviolent Communication

My latest educational obsession is Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Since last November, I’ve attended several workshops, read a few books and joined a local practice group. I believe NVC can save the world. Marshall Rosenberg, PhD literally wrote the book about NVC. It’s called Nonviolent Communication, and the third edition is the one most recently made available. In the book, Rosenberg points out the ways humans typically (and non-effectively) communicate:  often we don’t accurately separate our thoughts and feelings… we aren’t in touch with our needs… we make a lot of judgements and comparisons… we deny responsibility… According to Rosenberg, we […]

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Telling Stories

I’ve wrestled with the quote in the image above. It’s an empowering conglomeration of verbiage, isn’t it? It’s empowering… until you think about it too much. Then it just becomes confusing. Each of us has our own story, and we write that story ourselves. We determine the genre, rating and roles of the characters. In truth, we create our own reality. Most of the time we socialize with others who agree with our story and thus live in a similar reality. And, in that case, all is well. Problems arise when one tells a story which clashes with the reality […]

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Separation and the Gift of Self

In the summer of 2006, my dad helped me set up a stereo in my post-marital-separation residence.  The best thing about the stereo was that it featured a turntable, and I had plenty of old vinyl to spin.  After making sure that everything was hooked up correctly, I dropped the needle onto Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here, then sat down on the floor (I had no furniture).  When the music enveloped me, I released my body backward, onto the hardwood, and laughed out loud. I think my father worried that I was crying, but my emotion-of-the-moment was far from […]

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