Saturday’s Song: Footloose

Today’s song was a request from one of my readers. I have to say, it’s completely appropriate as a weekend pick-me-up. But, it’s also a little bittersweet for me to post it because this movie (the original, of course!) was one I wanted to watch with Ex-BF and the boys. I always thought Drake would love it, and I wonder if he’s seen it yet. On a happier note, my college roommate once told me that she used to kick off her shoes and sing this song to her sister after returning from church with her family. That story makes me smile.

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Saturday’s Song: Blue Orchid

Throughout the Summer of ’07, The White Stripes were a staple on the playlist. It was the first I’d heard them and I quickly fell in love with the album, Get Behind Me Satan. A few weeks ago, out of the blue, this song crept into my head. Five years from the first listen, it’s taken on a whole new meaning.

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Saturday’s Song: Be OK

Today’s song is a request from one of my earliest readers. I remember being in a hotel room in Connecticut when I received a comment on my blog from the author of It Never Rains In Seattle. Since then, I’ve followed his story through marriage and divorce. A few days ago, he suggested Ingrid Michaelson’s, Be OK for Saturday’s song. I’m happy to oblige.

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Saturday’s Song: Let That Pony Run

I have plans to do something touristy today, and I considered sightseeing on horseback… until I saw the price tag. I decided to save a few (and by “few”, I mean “a lot of”) bucks and travel on foot instead. The reason I’m telling you this is that the brief consideration, combined with the fact that it’s Saturday, reminded me of this particular song.

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Saturday’s Song: Ring Of Fire

Today’s song was the suggestion of my favorite stepmom supporter, Heather Hetchler, of Cafe Smom. During the years I spent as the partner of a divorced dad, Heather was both an inspiration and a lifeline. If you’re a stepmom or even a biomom, Heather offers heartfelt encouragement and perspective. She believes stepmoms are the heart of a blended family and she lives her role to the fullest. I’m happy to serve up one of her favorites today… here’s Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire.

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