Welcome to 2020! Out with the old… in with the new, right? It’s time to set some new intentions. The latter part of 2019 was a bit of a crazy time for me as I made several shifts in my life. I, like so many of us, came to the realization that much of my frustration could be eliminated if only I would change. Ugh. That’s so hard, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply complain and then everything around us would shift into alignment for our happiness? But it doesn’t work that way. I had to accept responsibility […]
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Between Christmas and The New Year
The week between Christmas and the new year always feels strange to me. A few years ago, I heard someone on the radio say it’s the week that “doesn’t count.” At the time, I laughed in agreement. Now I’m not so sure. This time at the end of the year is like the space between stories. It’s filled with an odd mix of quiet reflection and eager anticipation… soulful solitude and social gatherings… laughter and tears. During this week, we discard that which was once useful and we create space for what’s yet to come. And while we count down the days, hours, […]
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