Dear Ex, Thanks…

By adopting an attitude of gratitude, we can ease a lot of those not-so-pleasant feelings that go along with divorce.  And, especially when trying to work with someone we might now despise, it helps to have some humility and be grateful… To My Ex Husband, Thank You… For sharing (some of) my interests (classic cars, classic rock, the Discovery Channel…) For exposing me to new things (the underside of my car, your mom’s homemade soap…) For the good times (our trip to Harper’s Ferry, parasailing, laughs on the couch…) For trusting me (to care for you following your surgery… and […]

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Mother’s Day Gratitude

I signed on to Facebook last night and saw the following status from a friend of mine:

“Thank you to my wonderful sons for making my mother’s day very special. Thank you also to my husband who has shared this journey with me.”

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