Dear Ex, Thanks…

By adopting an attitude of gratitude, we can ease a lot of those not-so-pleasant feelings that go along with divorce.  And, especially when trying to work with someone we might now despise, it helps to have some humility and be grateful…

To My Ex Husband, Thank You…

  • For sharing (some of) my interests (classic cars, classic rock, the Discovery Channel…)
  • For exposing me to new things (the underside of my car, your mom’s homemade soap…)
  • For the good times (our trip to Harper’s Ferry, parasailing, laughs on the couch…)
  • For trusting me (to care for you following your surgery… and letting me drive the Cobra…)
  • For encouraging me (to buy the fun car, to get a better job…)
  • For giving (your time, your money…)
  • For sharing (your house, your dogs, your family…)
… Thank you for opening the door to my current life.

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  1. Very nice.

    Here’s mine: Dear ex-huband, thank you for teaching me so much about the world.

    Here’s the one I wish my husband could write: Dear ex-wife, thank you for not having a mental illness that makes it impossible for you to interract with me or our kids or anyone else consistently.

  2. Love this post very much. I was almost in tears reading it last night. Definitely hit home as I try to forgive and move on with my life after divorce. Thanks for this!

  3. I like this idea because it’s so easy to focus on the negative. First off, I’d thank my ex for our children – I truly cannot conceive what my life would be like without them and I can’t grasp that were it not for him and I, these two beautiful people would not exist.

    I’d also thank him for sharing his love of skiing – I’m a competent skier because of him and our two children are great skiers because of his love.

    Will be thinking of more to add to this …

  4. First I want to thank YOU for opening my eyes nearly each time I visit. As for this post, it’s not often enough that I think of the good intermingling with the ex.

    So, thank you ex, for convincing me to have that third, and last child. My only daughter.

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