Interview with Greg Gann, a Divorce Financial Analyst

Greg Gann

Greg Gann

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of sitting down with Greg Gann of Gann Partnership LLC in Baltimore, MD. Greg is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Have you heard that title before? Not everyone has, but everyone should.

We all know that when a couple separates, their conflict typically revolves around money and parenting time. Given the intricacies of the former, I was eager to talk to Greg about how his specific training can assist STBXs* as they navigate the divorce process.

During our discussion, Greg explained that he can operate as a financial neutral for clients seeking a collaborative process (whether officially or unofficially). His job is to present a comprehensive financial picture and help couples make empowered decisions about how to divide their assets. His knowledge enables him to dig deeper than attorneys or accountants, thus providing a more specialized and comprehensive service.

And the best part? Couples who come to Greg are likely to save money over paying separate attorneys for financial discovery.

If you’ve heard me speak, you’ve probably heard me say, “Choose and use your team players wisely.” A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst is an excellent member to add to your team. In the interview below, Greg illustrates the importance of his work with real-life examples. I learned a lot from him, and you probably can too…


*STBX= Soon To Be Ex 😉

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