Dear Client, I Trust You

I’m often asked, “If a couple decides to stay married, would you talk them out of it?” And, “What if people come to you for help with their divorce, and you realize it’s better for them to stay married?” And, “Why don’t you work to save marriages?”


Dear Client,

I know there are many marriage counselors out there. You likely tried that route. I know how hard it is to accept the end of a relationship. It was probably a painful conclusion. I know people will criticize you for taking the easy way out, for being selfish and not trying hard enough. I’m not one of those people.

As your coach or mediator, my job is to empower you, to help you clarify your needs and support you in constructing the best strategies to meet them. It doesn’t matter whether or not I agree with you on a personal level. What counts is your clarity, comfort, conscience and confidence.

It’s true:  I’m pro-divorce. But my mission is not to force my agenda on others. I do what I do because I believe that separation is a potentially appropriate solution to an excruciating situation. And I believe the best Family Experts are the members of each unique family.

My office is not a courtroom. My role is not to judge you. I’m not here to determine the best course of action for you and your family. That’s your job. And I trust you to do it.

Wishing you the best,



I trust you to decide what blooms.


Learn more about what I do or call me to set up a free consultation:  717.686.9116.

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Posted in divorce.

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