Winter Storms and Divorce

You could call the period following a divorce an “emotional winter”. I think it’s appropriate for several reasons:  the cold, the darkness, the difficulty in venturing outside. You might even say it’s hard to recognize those who were once familiar because they wear many layers and masks. Winter is a difficult season for many, and this past weekend Winter Storm Jonas made sure I wouldn’t forget that. But Jonas brought more than strong winds and impassable roads. The storm (like a separation) brought gifts as well… First (for many of us), there was the non-option of staying inside. The heavy […]

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Why Do I Love Divorce?

I’ve made the statement several times over the years:  “I love divorce!” My words are typically met with raised eyebrows and nervous laughter. It’s not unusual for people to tell me how unusual they find my declaration to be. And inevitably, someone will ask me (through a pained expression), “Why?” There are a few reasons…   I love divorce because it’s been a positive factor in my life.  When my parents got divorced, my life improved.  When I got divorced, my life improved.  Neither of those divorces was excessively painful nor costly. I love divorce because it’s a fascinating topic.  […]

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Love Makes a Family

Recently, I was (finally) able to watch the HBO documentary A Family is a Family is a Family. I’m sorry it took so long. It really was a beautiful little film. Through interviews and musical interludes, the movie displays and celebrates the connection enjoyed by people of various ages, colors, genders and legal affiliation. The message is clear:  it doesn’t matter what a family looks like; what matters is love. Love makes a family.  Not biology. Love makes a family.  Not country of origin. Love makes a family.  Not the number of people. Love makes a family.  Not gender or […]

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My Wish For You (Divorce Season 2016)

It’s that time again:  the new toys have been put away; leftovers have been devoured and decorations packed up.  As the kids head back to school, moms and dads are heading to their attorneys’ offices to begin separation proceedings. It’s true.  Many couples made the decision to divorce towards the end of 2015, but they didn’t want to ruin the holidays for their families.  The result is a predicted 300% increase in divorce inquiries this month. For those who’ve decided to evolve, apart, in 2016, I wish you the following… Self Care–  Make a regular date to take care of […]

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