Free T Thanks!

I need to interrupt my regularly scheduled content for a special message…

“Thank you, Chopper Papa!”

Kyle over at is selling some supercool “Chopper Couture” to benefit his local Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization.  I was lucky enough to win one of his Tshirts during a special promotion on the site and I wish I’d purchased one earlier (cuz my area of the country is now officially in Sweater Weather Season).  I love it!

Chopper Couture

Chopper Papa is one of my favorite sites- and I’m not just saying that because of the shirt, I promise!  I always enjoy hearing a male perspective and the site is a one-stop shop for topics ranging from relationships to daddyhood to sentimental music to, of course, choppers.  Kyle’s posts initiate as much laughter as they do thoughtful reflection.  His writing is engaging, his voice is genuine and his cycle is sick.

Check out the site and/or score some of your own Chopper Couture here.  You won’t regret it 🙂

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