TED Talk: Brene Brown on Vulnerability

I stumbled upon this earlier in the week and have listened to it three times since then.  I think the message is something we all know, but tend to forget due to beer and banana nut muffins.  The video is a little more than 20 minutes long, but, IMHO well worth it 😉

Description from TED.comBrene Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.”

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  1. Great talk, loving without a guarantee of it being returned is possibly the most vulnerable anyone ever is. To give your heart to someone completely without the need for that emotion to be returned requires an emotional fortitude and self love that most of find hard to attain.

    I will say that when it came to the time where I was ready to profess my love to the Queen….I did so … and she didn’t reciprocate. At least at that time.

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